

Agriculture is a major source of food crop in Uganda. It is our aim as a foundation through Agriculture to continuously provide for our children with food. We have not yet achieved this yet as we planned to but looking forward to seeing it come to pass. There are little agricultural activities in the park due to the nature of the landscape and soil type, also animals come and eat the little crops they manage to cultivate.

We look forward to introduce better farming methods, fertilizers and better facing style to help in the  cultivation of food crops like maize, sweet potatoes, yams, matooke (green banana), beans, cabbage, greens, groundnuts etc. This will help us attain a balanced diet within our children.

Salt mining is also done in the park but the community earns little out of which is not enough for daily use and also to educate their children thus taking children with them to work and skip school.

Fishing. Good and safe fishing methods are encouraged to prevent  deaths on the Lake.  Weather checking methods are encouraged to prevent the bad weather fishing and accidents from animals like Crocodiles, hippopotamus.

Lawrence Young Foundation with your support is trying to eradicate child labour and encourage child education in the Park Communities.

Join Us Stop Child Labour and Encourage child Educatio.


Lawrence young Foundation is a non-profit organisation operating in Uganda especially in  Remote areas like Katwe-Kasese Queen Elizabeth National Park. It started with few children from remote families in Katwe village- Queen Elizabeth National park in Kasese district. Later other villages and communities with in the national park joined like, kayanja, katungulu, kasenyi, kikorongo, Hamukungu, kahendero, Omuruti, Nyakatonzi, Katojo and Rwehingo and the Foundation was transformed into a National Charity for the Children from all over Queen… Read More


The ultimate goal is to have 2000 orphans and vulnerable children back to school by 2026 because they will have all the structures and facilities to help them change their lives cognitively, social emotion and physically.



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