Sponsor A Ugandan Child In Our Foundation
At a fee of $50 per month, child sponsorship is very possible and with such and more we are in position to create lasting impact for a child at our Foundation. With this amount we are in position to provide education, lunch at school, clothing and medical care for the children at school. Upon accepting to sponsor a child, we give you access to the children profiles so that you could choose a specific child you wish to sponsor. In the due term you always write letters to them and they too write to you.
In order to promote the right and well-being of the child, Lawrence young foundation envisions promoting and advancing the life of disadvantaged and vulnerable Children through empowering lives and transforming communities with holistic approach in Education, and Social development. We endeavor to ensure and promote children`s rights like the rights to; education, play, a supportive environment, health care among others.
All this will been possible as a result of generous donations from our partners and philanthropists. For any other kind heart that desires to support, promote and ensure the right and well-being of the child, you can be able to do by supporting a child through any of our programs by sponsoring their education, feeding, health and clothing.

Sponsorship at Lawrence Young Foundation is based on a mutually beneficial relationship between child and sponsor. Your donation will greatly improve their quality of life + our team will share their progress with you as they grow!
Meet the Lawrence Young Foundation Children.
See the profiles of our individual kids and choose which one you’d like to support!
Receive their Profile and Updates
After signing up to sponsor that child, you will receive the Lawrence Young Foundation newsletter and specific updates on your child!
Watch him or her Grow.
You will receive fun and informative videos from Lawrence Young Foundation, featuring important milestones and activities that your child is involved in!
See their progress
See the child you support gain valuable skills, excel in school, and thrive thanks to your support!