Health and Medical Care
This is divided into Nutrition, Sanitation, and Medical.
Malnutrition refers to when a person’s diet does not provide enough nutrients or the right balance of nutrients for optimal health. Causes of malnutrition include inappropriate dietary choices, a low income, difficulty obtaining food, and various physical and mental health conditions.
Symptoms are fatigue, dizziness and weight loss. Untreated malnutrition can cause physical or mental disability.
Treatment must address any underlying conditions and replace missing nutrients.
In Uganda Between 2013 and 2015, it is estimated that more than 500,000 young Ugandan children died. Of these deaths, nearly half were associated with under nutrition and since 2017, record states that almost one-third of children under 5 years in Uganda are stunted.
The Communities in Queen Elizabeth national park Kasese district being poor, having access to food is a basic human necessity that many children in Katwe and other communities in the park don’t have the luxury of experiencing.
Katwe, kayanja, kikorongo, Hamukungu and other areas are very poor, rural villages, and the majority of children in these small communities are fed only when at School Supported by Lawrence Young Foundation. Children that go to school hungry are unable to focus on anything other than the rumbling in their bellies. As a result they are almost always tired, weak, and unable to grow and learn at their full capacity. Many families cannot afford or access enough nutritious foods like fresh fruit and vegetables, legumes, meat, and milk.
We bring you Nyamwiza, she is 5yrs old but you can think she is 6 months old. She suffers from Malnutrition and she has no help. She is human but now she is being seen and other children like her as a curse from the gods yet it`s just malnutrition and it can be treated.
“Support today to get Nyamwiza Nutritious food and also get her to a specialist Hospital in time because she is in danger.” She suffers from Malnutrition.

Before Lawrence Young Foundation, the school had a toilet which was in bad shape and it could not accommodate the number of children at school, some eased them selves behind or around the compound especially the Little children who could not control them selves and were scared the old Toilet would fall on them. Keith and Linda Lawrence of Lawrence Young Limited through Lawrence Young Foundation Constructed 2 new toilets namely Lindy Loo For Girls and Lindy Loo for Boys to separate boys from Girls and Teachers from Children to prevent Diseases like Urinary Transmitted Infections.
Also through the Linda Save a girl child project, girls have been provided with pads for health purposes. Visit our Girl a sanitary Pad Project for more Information and How you can Help these Little Children.

We also teach them how to make reusable sanitary towels and discourage the cultural taboos and stigma that exist against women in their periods. We do this so as to reduce the number of girls that drop out of school due to lack of sanitary materials.
Sexual Education
In this program, we work towards ensuring that the vulnerable attain a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system. We do this through disseminating correct information on sex and sexuality as a way of encouraging them to make informed decisions about their sexuality.
We also carry out sensitization on sexually transmitted infections as well as the ways in which to prevent them. For those that are already infected with HIV/AIDS, we carry out sensitization on how they can still live a long and healthy life while preventing further infection of the virus to other people. Seeing as all persons have a right to make informed decisions about their sexuality, we also carry sensitization on the dangers of teenage pregnancy and early marriages, openly speaking against the dangers of these two vices and openly discussing the reproductive health repercussions that young girls have to face when they are married off early or get pregnant early.
We also carry out trainings and information sessions on family planning and how best individuals can utilize it in order to fully acknowledge their sexuality and reproductive health
PAL to PAL Education.
In the peer to peer learning program, Lawrence young foundation tackles drug and substance abuse as a challenge in society by engaging youths and former drug addicts to disseminate information that can discourage the vice. This is done through open discussions, testimonials as well as trainings on drugs, drug abuse, addictive behaviours, their impact on the human mind and body as well as ways in which the vice can be broken and overcome.
Mental Health Awareness.
Under this program, we critically address the psychological, emotional and social well-being of the vulnerable individuals in society. This is to ensure that individuals realize their own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life and work productively and at the same time make a contribution to their communities. We do this by having sessions with community members on how they can deal with stress and societal pressure, providing counselling services, encouraging them to openly speak about their challenges and seek professional support from counsellors.