Covid 19-Relief

Covid-19 is a respiratory illness in people and animals that can spread from one person to another when an infected person’s sneeze or cough droplets come into contact with others. It can as well spread when a person touches a contaminated surface such as door handle, eyes, nose or mouth.

Covid-19 has signs and symptoms similar to those of the common cold though very dangerous and if not reported early and managed by Health workers, can cause severe illness in humans and eventually lead to death.

Covid-19 signs and symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, running nose, difficulty in breathing and can be prevented by avoiding close contact with people who are visibly sick, avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, wash your hands often with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds, cover your mouth and stay home. Everyone is at great risk. However, severe symptoms and death appear more frequently among older people with underlying health conditions such as lung or heart diseases etc.

The outbreak of covid-19 largely affected so many areas in Uganda as the pandemic called for immediate country lock down to reduce on the rapid spread of corona virus.  Eventually, this exposed so many areas to great need of support from donors.



Katwe and other Communities with in Queen Elizabeth National Park are far away from the town center and Transport has been cut off due to the total lock down.  Children have gone hungry but luckily enough we received some support from one of our Donors Lawrence Young Limited, we have managed to support some of the Children under our foundation and the community of Katwe and other park communities through providing COVID-19 Relief to them.

We have also provided other requirements like Sanitary Pads to the Girl Children to prevent them being seduced by men inform of hand outs who can eventually impregnate them and get them out of School.

Books have also been provided to children to keep them busy doing homework at home inform of Covid-19 holiday package.

Even though food was provided, it Could not last so long and now we have gone into another Lock, so we continue to appeal to good Samaritans and donors to consider our appeal. We request any assistance that can be provided to feed the Hungry Vulnerable Orphans and the Poor people of Queen Elizabeth National Park, together we can leave a Legacy. We continue to pray for you, for your families, businesses and for this world we live in.

How can you help?

Children`s` Lunch (Meals): Feed an Orphan or Vulnerable child in the remote park.
$30= feeds 5 Children for a month-$1 a day! (5 Little Kids)
$150= feeds 25 Children for a month.

Feed a family (or many!):
$30= feed 1 family for a month-$1 a day! (5 people)
$150= feed 5 families for a month
$300=feed 10 families for a month


Hospitals in Uganda. It has been witnessed that during the covid-19 pandemic, hospitals have been flooded with covid-19 victims and have put most of their resources to use to ensure proper health for every person in the country hence the need to be considered for donations post covid-19.

Rural Based School. The first step the government of Uganda took was to close down the schools and send all the children back home. These needs to be donated to because all their systems came to a standstill and they need rebooting for example in the park Area of Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Orphanages in Uganda are among the many areas that have been affected by covd-19 situation. Some of the donors that used to support children in orphanages reduced on their funds while others completely stopped donating to the poor kids hence the need to donate to these children immediately after the pandemic.

Street children are also part of the people that deserve donations after covid-19. These children lack food, clothes, shelter and education as they keep roaming from one street to another to find something to feed their hungry stomachs. So many tend to walk away from homes like in the park in search for what to eat or a better life after Covid-19 pandemic.

Religious places in Uganda should additionally be included in areas that deserve being donated too post covid-19. Religious places needs things like paying Electric and water bills and hosts that are usually funded by religious places.


Lawrence young Foundation is a non-profit organisation operating in Uganda especially in  Remote areas like Katwe-Kasese Queen Elizabeth National Park. It started with few children from remote families in Katwe village- Queen Elizabeth National park in Kasese district. Later other villages and communities with in the national park joined like, kayanja, katungulu, kasenyi, kikorongo, Hamukungu, kahendero, Omuruti, Nyakatonzi, Katojo and Rwehingo and the Foundation was transformed into a National Charity for the Children from all over Queen… Read More


The ultimate goal is to have 2000 orphans and vulnerable children back to school by 2026 because they will have all the structures and facilities to help them change their lives cognitively, social emotion and physically.



With enthusiastic employees and volunteers, we are ready to support you no matter any time.

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